Tech Central 477 Pitt St Sydney (Salto, Milestone & AXIS)

Project overview

This case study focuses on the collaboration between Secure People and Buildcorp, a renowned construction company, to design and implement an advanced electronic security system for the new Tech Central Hub in Sydney. Secure People, a trusted provider of security solutions, was entrusted with the task of developing a comprehensive security infrastructure that encompassed access control and video surveillance. The project involved the installation of a Salto KS wireless locking system for access control and the integration of Milestone VMS, along with AXIS cameras, to bolster the CCTV capabilities of the facility.

Client Background
Buildcorp, a leading construction company with a commitment to excellence, was chosen to construct the Tech Central Hub. The Tech Central Hub is a state-of-the-art facility designed to serve as a vibrant technology hub and a focal point for innovation and collaboration.

Challenges Faced
As the construction of the Tech Central Hub progressed, Buildcorp identified several key challenges that needed to be addressed to ensure the security and safety of the facility:

Access Control Management
Tech Central required a cutting-edge access control system that would be easy to use and manage. They sought a solution that would allow for the distribution of Bluetooth mobile credentials and enable seamless integration with other security systems.

Cloud-Based Access
Control Tech Central aimed to have a cloud-based access control system that could offer flexible management and remote administration capabilities. They wanted a solution that would simplify access control operations and enable efficient management across the Tech Central Hub.

Advanced Video Surveillance
Tech Central recognized the need for a robust video surveillance system that could provide comprehensive coverage of the facility. They desired a solution with intelligent analytics and efficient search capabilities to enhance security monitoring and incident response.

Solution Provided by Secure People
To address the specific challenges faced by Tech Central, Secure People proposed a comprehensive security solution that included the following components;

Salto KS Wireless Locking System Secure People installed the Salto KS wireless locking system, which offered a user-friendly interface for access control management. The cloud-based nature of Salto KS facilitated easy distribution of Bluetooth mobile credentials and allowed for centralized control and management of access privileges.

Milestone VMS with AXIS Cameras Secure People integrated Milestone VMS, a robust and scalable video management system, with AXIS cameras. The Milestone VMS provided a powerful platform for managing video footage and integrating various security systems. AXIS cameras, known for their high-quality images and reliability, enhanced the surveillance capabilities of the Tech Central Hub.

Smart Analytics and Search Capabilities The AXIS cameras incorporated built-in smart analytics and search capabilities, enabling automatic detection of predefined events and reducing the need for constant manual monitoring. This enhanced the efficiency of the security team by alerting them to potential threats and facilitating quick response times.

Benefits and Results The collaboration between Secure People and Buildcorp resulted in numerous benefits and positive outcomes:

Seamless Access Control The Salto KS wireless locking system provided Buildcorp with a streamlined and user-friendly access control solution. The distribution of Bluetooth mobile credentials improved convenience for authorized personnel, ensuring smooth access while maintaining a high level of security.

Cloud-Based Management Salto KS’s cloud-based architecture allowed Buildcorp to centrally manage access control across the Tech Central Hub. This simplified administration, reduced maintenance efforts, and facilitated remote monitoring and control.

Enhanced Video Surveillance The integration of Milestone VMS with AXIS cameras significantly enhanced the video surveillance capabilities of the Tech Central Hub. The intelligent analytics and search capabilities empowered the security team to proactively detect and respond to security incidents promptly.

Reliable Security Infrastructure By leveraging the expertise of Secure People and utilizing trusted brands like Salto, Milestone, and AXIS, Buildcorp acquired a robust and future-proof security infrastructure that met their stringent requirements for the Tech Central Hub.

Secure People’s engagement with Buildcorp to design and implement an advanced electronic security system for the Tech Central Hub proved to be a success. The installation of the Salto KS wireless locking system and the integration of Milestone VMS with AXIS cameras enhanced access control management and video surveillance capabilities. Through this collaboration, Secure People and Buildcorp ensured the security and safety of the Tech Central Hub, contributing to its success as a thriving technology hub in Sydney.

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